Object Detection Action

The Object Detection Action detects the following objects in a still image and sends the object information to the destination channel.

Information about other detected objects will be also returned along with their location in the image and confidence score. For details, refer to Output Data of the Action.



In the Action Condition section, you can specify the conditions under which the action will be executed using the values (Message or Context) from the event source to the channel. For more details on the expressions you can input, please refer to Use Expressions in Actions.


Configure the operation of the Object Detection Action.


Configure how to handle the output data of the action. Refer to Enable Republishing of Action Output for more details.

Output Data of the Action

The output data of the Simple Object Detection Action is as follows.

  "person": 1,
  "car": 0,
  "bus": 0,
  "truck": 0,
  "cat": 0,
  "dog": 0,
  "objects": [
      "location": [
      "score": 0.6473677158355713,
      "label": "person",
      "ts": "2024-06-17T05:28:24Z"
      "location": [
      "score": 0.5285048484802246,
      "label": "cup",
      "ts": "2024-06-17T05:28:24Z"

The attributes are as follows:

Attribute Description
person Number of detected people.
car Number of detected cars.
bus Number of detected buses.
truck Number of detected trucks.
cat Number of detected cats.
dog Number of detected dogs.
objects[] Information about the objects detected by the Simple Object Detection Action.
objects[].location The position of the detected object within the still image.
objects[].score Confidence score indicating the accuracy of the detected object.
objects[].label Detected object label.
objects[].ts Date and time when the object was detected.