Entry Point Test Server

Soracom offers a simple echo server for testing Beam from the device. You can configure Beam settings to forward connection requests to one of the following test servers in order to confirm that forwarding is successful. The server will echo a simple message including the IMSI header of the device.

HTTPS Test Server

Configure Beam for HTTP entry point using the following Destination parameters:

Ensure that the IMSI Header or SIM ID Header option is enabled.

Then from the device, simply make an HTTP request to the Entry point http://beam.soracom.io:8888.

Beam will receive the request from the device, append the device IMSI or SIM ID to the HTTP request header, and forward it to the test server. Then the test server will generate a simple page containing "Hello SORACOM Beam Client {IMSI}!" (or SIM ID) and return it back to the device.

HTTPS Test server (with WebSocket)

Configure Beam for Website entry point using the following Destination parameters:

Ensure that the IMSI Header or SIM ID Header option is enabled.

Then from the device, make a WebSocket connection to the Entry point ws://beam.soracom.io:18080.

Beam will receive the request from the device, append the device IMSI to the HTTP request header, and forward it to the test server. Then the test server will accept the connection and echo "Hello SORACOM Beam Client IMSI:{IMSI} !" (or SIM ID) in the WebSocket session.

MQTTS Test Server

Configure Beam for MQTT entry point using the following Destination parameters:

Then, connect to the same test server using an MQTT client with the same host name, port number, username, and password. You can then use your MQTT client to subscribe to a message topic. When your device publishes an MQTT message on the topic, your MQTT client should receive the message.

TCPS Test Server

Configure Beam for TCP → TCP/TCPS entry point using the following Destination parameters:

Ensure that the IMSI Header or SIM ID Header option is enabled.

Then from the device, make a telnet connection to the Entry point on host beam.soracom.io and port 8023.

Beam will receive the TCP request from the device, append the device IMSI to the connection header, and forward it to the test server. Then the test server will accept the connection and echo "Hello Soracom Beam Client IMSI: {IMSI}!" (or SIM ID) in the telnet session.