Soracom Harvest Files Event Source

When you select Soracom Harvest Files as the Event Source for the Flux App, the App will be triggered when a file is uploaded (created, updated) or deleted in Soracom Harvest Files.

You can create up to 10 Soracom Harvest Files event sources per Soracom Account.

Event Source Configuration

Configure the conditions under which event messages are published to the channel from the event source.

Data Format

The data sent to a channel configured with the Soracom Harvest Files event source consists of Message and Context.

You can check the data received by the event to the Flux App in the History tab of Soracom Flux Studio. For more details, refer to View Logs.


For this event source, the message is the event that occurred in Harvest Files and the path of the file that triggered the event. Here's an example:

  "eventType": "updated",
  "path": "/harvest-files-path/filename",
  "contentType": "image/jpeg",
  "presignedUrls": {
    "get": ""
Attribute Description
eventType The type of event that occurred. Either of created, updated, or deleted.
path The file path, including the file name.
contentType The content type of the file.
presignedUrls.get The URL to retrieve the created or updated file. This is not included when the eventType is deleted.

The URL of presignedUrls.get is only valid for 1 hour from the time of the event.

To reference the event source's Message in an action, input it as ${event.payload.<MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE>} or event.payload.<MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE> == 1.


This contains the information about the Harvest Files event source configuration. Here's an example:

  "eventType": "harvest_files",
  "configurationId": "01J1CH2MJRVxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

The attributes are as follows:

Attribute Description
eventType The type of event. When uploading (new, updating) or deleting a file in Soracom Harvest Files triggers the Flux App, the value is harvest_files.
configurationId An ID unique to each Soracom Harvest Files event source configuration, issued by Harvest Files.

To reference the above Context in an action, input it as ${event.context.<CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE>} or event.context.<CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE> == 1.