Using Incoming Webhooks to Trigger Flux Apps

Incoming Webhook is a feature that issues a dedicated Webhook URL for sending events to Flux. By calling this URL, you can easily connect external systems to Flux apps.

The Incoming Webhook URL is generated by a channel in Flux. The URL can then be called from your applications or third-party applications to execute a Flux app.

Comparing Incoming Webhooks and API/Manual Execution Event Sources

An Event Source is a component that defines what events will trigger a Flux App to run.

An Incoming Webhook can trigger a Flux app to run and can be applied to any channel, initiating its downstream activities.

When sending data to a channel using the API/Manual Execution event source, you need an API Key and Token to interface with the API.

In contrast, using an Incoming Webhook allows you to send data without acquiring an API Key or Token, simplifying the process. Additionally, an Incoming Webhook can be generated from any channel in a Flux app.

Event Source Authentication Use Case
API/Manual Execution Requires API Key and API Token Controlled access to execute a Flux app
Incoming Webhook No authentication required Simplifies integration by allowing URL event triggering

Security Warning: If the Incoming Webhook URL is exposed, unauthorized users may access it. Ensure it is securely managed and not shared publicly.

Creating an Incoming Webhook URL

  1. Login to the User Console. From the Menu, expand Soracom Flux and select Flux Apps.
  2. Open an existing Flux app or Create a Flux App.
  3. Click the channel where you want to create the Incoming Webhook or create a new channel.
  4. Select the Event Source tab and click the Create Incoming Webhook button.
  5. Name the Incoming Webhook and optionally add a description, then click Create.

    The Incoming Webhook URL will be created.

  6. Click Show Webhook URL to view it.
    • Click to copy the URL, it will be needed to call the Flux app.
    • To hide the Webhook URL, click Hide the webhook URL.

Each Flux app can issue up to 10 Incoming Webhooks.

Each Incoming Webhook has a unique ID, displayed at the bottom right of the webhook settings. To view the ID, click on a channel where the webhook was created.

Dialog highlighting the Incoming Webhook ID

Data Sent to the Channel

When using Incoming Webhooks, two types of data are sent to the channel:

You can check the data received by a channel in a Flux app on the History Tab:

  "eventType": "incoming-webhook",

Context Parameters

Parameter Description
eventType Event type (incoming-webhook for Incoming Webhooks)
webhookId Unique Incoming Webhook ID

Invoking a Flux App via a Webhook URL

To invoke a Flux app, send an HTTP POST request to the Webhook URL.

Example: Sending a JSON Payload to the Webhook URL

This example simulates a request from a device and sends the payload {"temperature": 25} to a Webhook URL.


curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"temperature": 25}'

The maximum payload size for a channel is 32,768 bytes. Any data exceeding this size cannot be sent.

Example Response

  "payload": {
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "content": "{\"temperature\":25}",
    "isBase64Encoded": false
  "context": {
    "eventType": "incoming-webhook",
  "timestamp": 1735689600000

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
messageId Message ID
eventId Event ID (Viewable in History tab)
appId Flux Application ID
channelId Channel ID
payload Data sent to the channel
payload.contentType The Content-Type specified in the request header
payload.content Data sent to the channel (Base64 encoded if applicable)
payload.isBase64Encoded Indicates if payload was Base64 encoded
context.eventType Event type (Always incoming-webhook for Incoming Webhooks)
context.webhookId Incoming Webhook ID
timestamp Timestamp of the event

The messageId, eventId, appId, and channelId can be verified in the History tab to identify an event instance.

History tab showing event history and IDs