Soracom Flux
Setting Quotas for Event Count and Credit Usage
Each Soracom Flux plan includes a predefined bundle of free usage for event count and credit usage.
Additionally, a quota (an upper limit) is set to match the bundled amount, preventing unintended pay-as-you-go charges.
When the quota is reached within a month, the following restrictions apply:
- If the Flux event count reaches the quota, Flux apps will no longer execute for the remainder of the month.
- If Flux credit usage reaches the quota, actions that consume credits will no longer be available for the rest of the month.
You can increase your quotas to avoid reaching plan limits or wait until the next month for your usage to reset.
Understanding Event Count and Credit Usage by Coverage Type
Event count and credit usage are tracked separately for each coverage type.
For example, under the Developer plan:
- If Flux app A (under Japan Coverage) reaches the 10,000 events/month limit, other Flux apps under Japan Coverage (e.g., Flux app B) will also stop functioning.
- However, Flux apps under Global Coverage (e.g., Flux app C) will continue functioning until respective limits are reached.
The same logic applies to credit usage.
- If a Flux app fails to execute or an action does not run due to hitting quotas, See Check the Execution History of a Flux App to verify.
- For more details about plans and default quotas, see Plans.
Understanding Upper Limits
For example, in the Developer plan, the default event count limit is 10,000 events per month. Once this limit is reached, Flux apps will no longer run for the remainder of the month.
To allow more executions beyond the bundled limit, increase the event count limit.
For instance, setting the limit to 12,000 events allows an additional 2,000 executions.
The same rule applies to credit usage limits.
Exceeding Limits and Additional Charges
Exceeding the bundled event count or credit usage will incur additional charges.
Simply increasing the limit does not incur additional fees. Charges only apply when the event count or credit usage exceed your bundled amount.
- Note that you can set a limit lower than the bundled amount, but this will not affect pricing.
Understanding how Flux Event Count and Credit Usage Are Tracked
- Event Count: An event is counted when data is sent to a channel via an event source or Incoming Webhook, triggering a Flux app execution.
- Credit Usage: Credits are consumed when an action is executed. Each action has a predefined credit consumption rate. See Pricing & Fee Schedule for details.
Changing Quotas
You can adjust your monthly quotas for Events and Credits in the User Console:
Login to the User Console and select the appropriate coverage type.
If you are using Global coverage, ensure have selected Global coverage before changing plans using the Coverage Type selector.
From the Menu, expand Soracom Flux and select Flux Apps.
Click Change usage quota on the Events panel, or click Change credit quota on the Credits panel.
Note that if you exceed your plan's quotas, you will be charged for the number of Flux events or credits that exceed the bundled amount respectively.
Enter the Monthly quota of number of Flux events or Monthly quota of number of Flux credits, then click Next.
Review the details, then click Change quota.
New quotas are applied immediately and can be verified in the Flux Apps screen on their respective panels.