Manage Channels and Event Sources

In this document, we will explain common operations for creating and managing Channels and Event Sources in Flux Apps.

Create a Channel and Select an Event Source

You can create up to 10 Channels per Flux App.

You can create a channel and select an event source using the steps below:

  1. In the Studio tab, click on Create a channel. If Channels already exist, click on Add a channel.

  2. Select the event source that will trigger the Flux App to execute, and then click Next.

    Event Source Description
    IoT device The Flux App is triggered when an IoT device sends data to the Unified Endpoint. For more details, refer to IoT Device Event Source.
    Soracom Harvest Files The Flux App is triggered when a file is uploaded (saved, updated) or deleted in Soracom Harvest Files. For more details, refer to Soracom Harvest Files Event Source.
    Timer The Flux App is triggered at regular time intervals. For more details, refer to Timer Event Source.
    API/Manual Execution The Flux App is triggered by manually sending a request to the API endpoint representing the channel. For more details, refer to API/Manual Execution Event Source.
  3. Configure the following items:

    • Name: Enter the name of the channel.
    • Description: Enter a description for the channel.
    • Event Source Config: The available parameters vary by event source. Refer to the individual event sources for more details.
  4. Click Create a new channel.

You will be redirected to the Event Source tab of the new Channel. From the Actions tab, you can now add actions to the channel to process the incoming event messages and conditionally execute specific operations. For more details, refer to Add or Remove Actions.

Sending Data Directly to a Channel

Every channel has a unique API endpoint URL that can be used to send data to the channel directly. Refer to Sending Data to a Channel for more details.

Delete a Channel and its Event Source

Deleting a channel will also delete its event source. If the channel is linked to another channel, the link will be removed. Deleted channels cannot be restored.

You can delete a channel linked to an event source using the steps below:

  1. Open the Studio tab of the Flux App in Soracom Flux Studio.

  2. Click on the event source or the channel linked to the event source.

  3. Click (More actions on the channel) and then Delete.

    Flux App showing a channel being deleted.

  4. Click Delete Channel.

You will be redirected to the Studio tab of the Flux App, and the deleted channel will no longer be displayed.