Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Configuration

The Soracom Canal Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connects a Type-F2 VPG to your Amazon VPC. This connection enables bidirectional communication without NAT between devices using IoT SIMs and instances such as EC2 in your Amazon VPC over a private network.

Canal TGW VPC Attachment


To configure Canal with a Transit Gateway VPC Attachment, you will need:


If you have created a VPG in Japan coverage, your VPC cannot include the IP address range. If your AWS VPC uses a CIDR block that includes this range, you will need to create a new VPC with a CIDR block that does not include this range.


Creating a VPG

Creating a VPG will incur fees. Refer to the Pricing & Fee Schedule for more information.

Follow the instructions from the Virtual Private Gateway Configuration documentation to create a new VPG with the following options:

For more information on each option, refer to the Virtual Private Gateway Configuration documentation.

Creating a Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connection

You need the following information about your Amazon VPC to create a Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection.

Here's the steps to create Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection.

  1. In the VPG settings page for the created VPG, click Closed Network > + Add Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connection.

  2. Configure the followings.

    • AWS Account ID
    • AWS VPC ID
    • AWS Region
    • Name (optional)
  3. Click Add Connection.

    The Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection (Transit Gateway Attachment) will be created.

  4. You can see the following procedures for the configuration in "VPC Attachment Settings" window. Replace the following parts of the AWS CLI commands displayed under Accept Resource Share Invitation and Create Transit Gateway VPC Attachment and execute them on your workstation.

    • <REPLACE_YOUR_AWS_PROFILE>: Replace with your AWS CLI profile.
    • <REPLACE_YOUR_SUBNET_ID_A>, <REPLACE_YOUR_SUBNET_ID_B>: Replace with the IDs of the subnets where the VPC attachment will be created. You can specify one or more subnets but you can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone.

    With the commands, the resource share of the Transit Gateway managed by Soracom will be accepted in your AWS account, and the following results will be displayed.

    • Accept Resource Share Invitation

          "resourceShareInvitation": {
              "resourceShareInvitationArn": "arn:aws:ram:eu-central-1:000000000000:resource-share-invitation/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
              "resourceShareName": "OP0000000000-000000000000-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
              "resourceShareArn": "arn:aws:ram:eu-central-1:000000000000:resource-share/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
              "senderAccountId": "950858143650",
              "receiverAccountId": "000000000000",
              "invitationTimestamp": "2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.000000+00:00",
              "status": "ACCEPTED"
    • Create Transit Gateway VPC Attachment

          "TransitGatewayVpcAttachment": {
              "TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
              "TransitGatewayId": "tgw-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
              "VpcId": "vpc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
              "VpcOwnerId": "000000000000",
              "State": "pendingAcceptance",
              "SubnetIds": [
              "CreationTime": "2024-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX+00:00",
              "Options": {
                  "DnsSupport": "enable",
                  "Ipv6Support": "disable",
                  "ApplianceModeSupport": "disable"

    Once you created a Transit Gateway VPC attachment, you can see the "VPC Attachment Settings" window again by clicking the Settings Icon next to Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connections.

Configuring Routes

To enable bidirectional communication between the VPG and your Amazon VPC via the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection, the following routing settings are required:

Routing from your Amazon VPC to the VPG

  1. Access the VPC Dashboard, switch to your region, and in the side menu, click Your VPCs.

  2. Select your Amazon VPC, and click the route table ID displayed under Main Route Table.

  3. Select the route table, go to the Routes tab, and click Edit routes.

  4. Click Add route.

  5. Configure the following settings.

    • Destination: Enter the CIDR block of the VPG's device subnet IP address range. You can see this in the VPG settings page as Device Subnet IP Address Range.
    • Target: Select "Transit Gateway" and enter the Transit Gateway ID shared by Soracom. You can see the ID in the VPG settings page.
  6. Click Save changes.

Routing from the VPG to your Amazon VPC

  1. In the VPG settings page, click Routing Table > + Add Static Route.

  2. Configure the following settings.

    • Destination Network: Enter the CIDR block of your Amazon VPC.
    • Gateway: Select the attachment ID of the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection (Transit Gateway Attachment) created in Creating a Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connection. The VPC attachment ID can be displayed in the VPG settings page by clicking Closed Network Settings and then selecting Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connections.
  3. Click Add.

Now the bidirectional communication between the VPG and your Amazon VPC is enabled.

(Reference) Terminating the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connection

When you need to delete the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment, take the following steps.

  1. Delete the static routes from the VPG routing table.

    1. In the VPG settings page, click Routing Table and click the Delete Icon next to the static route where the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection (Transit Gateway Attachment) is specified as the Gateway.

    2. Confirm and click Delete.

    3. If multiple static routes are set for the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection to be terminated, delete all of them.
  2. Delete the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection (Transit Gateway Attachment).

    1. In the VPG settings page, click Closed Network Settings and click the Delete Icon next to the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection (Transit Gateway Attachment) to be terminated.

    2. Click Delete Connection.

Even if you delete the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment connection, the VPG usage fee will continue to be charged until the VPG is deleted. For more information about VPG usage fees, see Pricing & Fee Schedule. For details on terminating or deleting a VPG, see Terminating a VPG.

Please also be aware that you may also have to delete AWS resources such as EC2 to stop the charge if you do not need them.