Using Query to Display Data on the Panel


The Query Editor in the Panel Editor controls what data is displayed. It is located below the panel display, in the Explore menu, and in the Alert editor.

Query Editor

Configuration Options

Query Editor Components

Resource Type

The Resource type dropdown, located on the left, filters the resource list by type.

Resource types include Air, Sigfox, Device, and Demo.

If you configure variables for the dashboard, you can set variables as the Resource type. For example, if your variable name is resourceType, you will see $resourceType in the Resource type dropdown list.


The Resources dropdown supports multi-select and is used to select the target resources to display in the panel.

Resources that have sent data to Soracom Harvest Data at least once and match the selected Resource type are displayed.

To clear selections, click the X next to a resource name or the X on the right of the dropdown bar to remove all selections.

Clearing Resources

You can select up to five resources to display on the panel.

The Demo resource type provides five resources for experimenting with various Soracom Lagoon features, labeled Device-1 through Device-5.

Multi-resource selection is not supported by some panel types.

Certain panel types require separate queries for multi-resource plotting.

  • Time series
  • Bar chart
  • Stat
  • Gauge
  • Bar Gauge
  • Table
  • Pie Chart
  • State Timeline
  • Heatmap
  • Status History
  • Histogram

If you configure variables for the dashboard, you can set variables as Resources. For example, if your variable name is deviceName, you will see $deviceName in the Resources dropdown list.

Data Format

The Data format dropdown is used to modify the format of the data to improve compatibility with certain panels. The three available options are Standard, Table, and Map.


The Properties dropdown filters the type of data displayed on the panel by name. Available properties are based on the data sent by the selected Resources.

When set to -All-, all data sent by the selected resources will be displayed.

If you configure variables for the dashboard, you can set variables as Properties. For example, if your variable name is metrics, you will see $metrics in the Properties dropdown list.