Supported AWS Regions for Soracom Canal Connection

Amazon VPC Peering Connection

Available in all AWS regions that support inter-region Amazon VPC Peering connections. For more information on inter-region Amazon VPC Peering connections, refer to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Documentation.

Transit Gateway Connection / Transit Gateway VPC Attachment Connection

The AWS regions where Transit Gateway connections and Transit Gateway VPC attachment connections can be used depend on the Rendezvous Point of the VPG.

VPG Rendezvous Point AWS Region for Transit Gateway
Tokyo (Japan) Asia Pacific (Tokyo); ap-northeast-1
Frankfurt (Germany) Europe (Frankfurt); eu-central-1
Oregon (USA) US West (Oregon); us-west-2
Sydney (Australia) Asia Pacific (Sydney); ap-southeast-2

VPG rendezvous points differ depending on the coverage type:

  • The Rendezvous Point for Japan coverage VPGs is fixed to "Tokyo (Japan)".
  • The Rendezvous Point for global coverage VPGs can be specified when creating a VPG.

Transit Gateway Peering Connection

Available in all AWS regions that support inter-region Transit Gateway peering. For more information on Transit Gateway peering, refer to the Transit Gateway Peering Attachment in the AWS documentation.