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Unified Endpoint settings are found in Soracom Air or Soracom Inventory group settings.

Unified Endpoint is already enabled for all groups and does not require any configuration for use. Instead, the group should be configured to use Soracom Beam, Funnel, Funk, or Harvest according to which services you want to use.

Once Beam, Funnel, Funk, or Harvest settings are enabled, your device should be configured to use an appropriate Unified Endpoint entry point.

Refer to the Limitations section for more information on Unified Endpoint limitations.

Response Format

As Soracom Beam, Funnel, Funk, and Harvest will return response messages to the device in various formats depending on entry point and forwarding destination protocol or service, you can configure how Unified Endpoint should handle each of those responses by configuring Unified Endpoint's Format option.

Unified Endpoint Options

Refer to the Response Format documentation for more information.