Pricing & Fee Schedule

All amounts are in USD $, EUR , or JPY ¥ and do not include taxes.


Soracom Air for Cellular

Air for Cellular fees apply as follows:

plan01s plan01s - Low Data Volume plan-NA1 plan-US planX3 planX3-EU

Over 170 countries

99 countries

United States & Canada

United States

Over 100 countries

Europe & United Kingdom

Basic Fee Ready No charge
Active $0.06/day *1 $0.40/mo
  • 3MB package: $0.99/mo *2
  • 20MB package: $1.99/mo *2
  • 50MB package: $3.99/mo *2
  • 100MB package: $5.99/mo *2
  • 1MB bundle: $0.60/mo *2
  • 3MB bundle: $0.76/mo *2
  • 10MB bundle: $1.30/mo *2
  • 20MB bundle: $1.50/mo *2
  • 50MB bundle: $3.00/mo *2
  • 100MB bundle: $4.50/mo *2
  • 300MB bundle: $8.00/mo *2
  • 500MB bundle: $12.00/mo *2
  • 1GB bundle: $20.00/mo *2
  • 3GB bundle: $40.00/mo *2
  • 5GB bundle: $60.00/mo *2
  • 10GB bundle: $80.00/mo *2
  • 5MB bundle: $1.00/mo
  • 25MB bundle: €0.32/mo *3
  • 100MB bundle: €0.59/mo *3
  • 500MB bundle: €1.90/mo *3
  • 1GB bundle: €3.50/mo *3
  • 3GB bundle: €8.50/mo *3
Standby No charge No charge
Terminated No charge
Data Usage s1.minimum

Varies by country *1

  • 3MB package: $0.073/MB *4
  • 20MB package: $0.069/MB *4
  • 50MB package: $0.064/MB *4
  • 100MB package: $0.058/MB *4
  • 1MB bundle: $0.09/MB *4
  • 3MB bundle: $0.08/MB *4
  • 10MB bundle: $0.07/MB *4
  • 20MB bundle: $0.06/MB *4
  • 50MB bundle: $0.05/MB *4
  • 100MB bundle: $0.04/MB *4
  • 300MB bundle: $0.03/MB *4
  • 500MB bundle: $0.03/MB *4
  • 1GB bundle: $0.02/MB *4
  • 3GB bundle: $0.02/MB *4
  • 5GB bundle: $0.02/MB *4
  • 10GB bundle: $0.01/MB *4

Varies by country *4

  • 25MB bundle: €0.01/MB *4
  • 100MB bundle: €0.01/MB *4
  • 500MB bundle: €0.01/MB *4
  • 1GB bundle: €0.008/MB *4
  • 3GB bundle: €0.008/MB *4
Messaging MT SMS *5 $0.005/message $0.005/message $0.005/message €0.004/message
MO SMS *5 $0.40/message $0.10/message $0.40/message €0.32/message
USSD $0.005/request $0.005/message €0.004/message
Options *6 Custom DNS $0.03/SIM/day Included
CHAP Authentication $0.03/SIM/day Included
Subscription Containers Delivery *7 $3.00/subscription $1.00/subscription
Basic Fee
  • planP1: $1.80/mo *8
  • planX1: $1.80/mo *8
  • planX2: $1.80/mo *8
  • planX3: $1.00/mo *8
  • plan-US-max: $1.80/mo *8
  • plan-US-max: $0.50/mo or 10%/mo *9
  • plan-US-NA: $0.50/mo or 10%/mo *9
Data Usage

Varies by country

Same as plan-US
Messaging *10 Same as plan01s Same as plan-US
Options *11 Same as plan01s Same as plan-US
Administrative Fees Reactivation $1.80 *12 No charge $1.00 *12 No charge
Renewal After 1 year, $1.80/year *13, *14 After 1 year, $1.80/year *15 After 6 months, $0.15/mo *16 After 1 year, $1.00/year *13 After 1 year, €1.00/year *13
SIM Transfer *17 $20.00/transfer request + $1.80/SIM €20.00/transfer request + €1.80/SIM

*1 - Basic Fee and Data Usage volume discounts are available for plan01s SIMs. Refer to the Basic Fee Volume Discount and Data Usage Volume Discount information below.
*2 - When changing a plan-NA1 or plan-US SIM to a higher bundle, the Basic Fee of the higher bundle will apply for the whole month. When changing to a lower bundle, the Basic Fee of the higher bundle will apply for the current month, and the Basic Fee of the lower bundle will apply from the following month.
*3 - The planX3-EU Basic Fee applies after the initial 12 months of prepaid service are used up. Any months where a planX3-EU SIM is set to Standby or Suspended for the full month are not counted from the initial 12 months of prepaid service.
*4 - Data Usage fees apply when a plan-NA1, plan-US, planX3, or planX3-EU SIM exceeds its amount of monthly bundled data.
*5 - MT (Mobile Terminated) SMS fees apply when an SMS is sent to a device. MO (Mobile Originated) SMS fees apply when an SMS is sent from a device.
*6 - Option fees apply when a group's Virtual Private Gateway option is disabled, or is enabled and configured to use Private Garden or Public Gate. Option fees do not apply when the Virtual Private Gateway option is enabled and configured to use a customer VPG.
*7 - A one-time subscription container delivery fee applies when adding a planP1, planX1, planX2, planX3, or plan-US-max subscription to a plan01s SIM, or when adding a plan-US-max or plan-US-NA subscription to a plan-US SIM.
*8 - When one or more subscription containers are added to a plan01s SIM, the plan01s Basic Fee is waived, and the Basic Fee of each subscription container will apply.
*9 - When one or more subscription containers are added to a plan-US SIM, the Basic Fee of each subscription container will apply according to the selected bundle. For 1 MB to 100 MB bundles, a $0.50/mo Basic Fee will apply for each subscription container. For 300 MB to 10 GB bundles, an additional 10% of the original plan-US Basic Fee will apply for each subscription container.
*10 - SMS functionality may be limited when using a subscription container. Refer to the SMS & USSD documentation for more information.
*11 - Option fees apply only once per SIM, regardless of the number of subscription containers added to the SIM.
*12 - The plan01s, plan01s - Low Data Volume, and planX3 reactivation fee applies when changing a SIM from Standby/Suspended to Active/Inactive.
*13 - The plan01s, plan01s - Low Data Volume, planX3, and planX3-EU renewal fee applies when a SIM remains in Ready, Standby, or Suspended status for more than 1 year.
*14 - When a Subscription Container is added to a plan01s SIM, the renewal fee of the subscription container will replace the renewal fee for the plan that originally existed on the SIM.
*15 - The plan-NA1 renewal fee applies when a SIM remains in the Ready status for more than 1 year.
*16 - The plan-US renewal fee applies when a SIM remains in Ready, Standby, or Suspended status for more than 6 months.
*17 - Transfer request and per-SIM fees only apply for SIMs in the Active, Inactive, Standby, and Suspended status. Subscription Containers are not subject to SIM transfer fees, however a Subscription Container must be transferred together with its corresponding plan01s or plan-US SIM and cannot be transferred separately.

Basic Fee Volume Discount

If you have more than 100 Active or Inactive plan01s SIMs in your account, a basic fee volume discount automatically applies to the SIM card daily basic fees.

Quantity Basic Fee
First 100 Active or Inactive SIMs $0.06/day
Additional Active or Inactive SIMs above 100 $0.05/day

Basic fee volume discounts are applied progressively, so that the basic fee for the first 100 Active or Inactive SIMs in your account will be calculated at $0.06/day (per SIM), and any additional Active or Inactive SIMs will be calculated at $0.05/day.

SIMs that are in the Ready, Standby, Suspended, or Terminated status do not count towards the basic fee volume discount.

For example, if you have 300 SIMs in your account, with 250 Active or Inactive, and the remaining 50 in Ready, Standby, Suspended, or Terminated, the basic fee will be calculated as:

  • 100 Active/Inactive SIMs @ $0.06/day = $6.00/day
  • 150 Active/Inactive SIMs @ $0.05/day = $7.50/day
  • Total basic fee for 250 Active/Inactive SIMs: $13.50/day

The basic fee volume discount applies to all SIMs in your account, regardless of which country they are used in.

The basic fee volume discount does not apply to plan01s - Low Data Volume, plan-NA1, plan-US, planX3, or planX3-EU.

Data Usage Volume Discount

When using plan01s SIMs in the United States and Canada, a data usage volume discount automatically applies to the total combined data usage across all devices for each billing period.

Tier Data Usage Rate
Tier 1 First 250 MB $0.073/MB
Tier 2 250 MB – 500 MB $0.057/MB
Tier 3 500 MB – 1,000 MB $0.053/MB
Tier 4 Above 1,000 MB $0.047/MB

Data usage volume discounts are applied progressively, so that the first 250 MB of data is billed at the Tier 1 rate, the next 250 MB (from 250 MB to 500 MB) is billed at the Tier 2 rate, the following 500 MB (from 500 MB to 1,000 MB) is billed at the Tier 3 rate, and any data usage above 1,000 MB is billed at the Tier 4 rate.

For example, if your devices consume a total of 2,000 MB in the United States within a billing period, the data usage fee will be calculated as:

  • Tier 1: 250 MB @ $0.073/MB = $18.25
  • Tier 2: 250 MB @ $0.057/MB = $14.25
  • Tier 3: 500 MB @ $0.053/MB = $26.50
  • Tier 4: 1,000 MB @ $0.047/MB = $47.00
  • Total charge for 2,000 MB = $106.00

If you have devices in both the United States and Canada, the volume discount will apply to each country, separately. In other words, a volume discount will be calculated according to the total combined data usage in the United States, and a separate volume discount will be calculated accordingly for Canada.

The total combined data usage will follow the same billing unit rounding above.

The data usage volume discount does not apply to plan01s - Low Data Volume, plan-NA1, plan-US, planX3, or planX3-EU.

Soracom Air for Cellular (eSIM Profiles)

eSIM Profile fees apply as follows:

plan01s plan-US planP1 planX1 planX2

Over 170 Countries

United States

Over 60 countries


Japan (au/KDDI)

Initial Fee $3.00/profile
Basic Fee Ready

Same as above

Same as above

No charge
Active $1.80/mo
Standby No charge
Terminated No charge
Data Usage s1.minimum

Same as above

Same as above

Varies by country

$0.02/MB $0.01/MB
Messaging MT SMS *1

Same as above

Same as above

MO SMS *1 $0.40/message
Options *2 Custom DNS

Same as above

Same as above

CHAP Authentication $0.03/SIM/day
Subscription Containers *3
Administrative Fees Reactivation

Same as above

Same as above

$1.80 *4 $1.80 *4 $1.80 *4
Renewal After 1 year, $1.80/year *5 After 1 year, $1.80/year *5 After 1 year, $1.00/year *5
SIM Transfer *6

*1 - MT (Mobile Terminated) SMS fees apply when an SMS is sent to a device. MO (Mobile Originated) SMS fees apply when an SMS is sent from a device.
*2 - Option fees apply when a group's Virtual Private Gateway option is disabled, or is enabled and configured to use Private Garden or Public Gate. Option fees do not apply when the Virtual Private Gateway option is enabled and configured to use a customer VPG.
*3 - Soracom Air for Cellular eSIM Profiles do not support Subscription Containers.
*4 - The planP1, planX1, and planX2 reactivation fee applies when changing a SIM from Standby/Suspended to Active/Inactive.
*5 - The planP1, planX1, and planX2 renewal fee applies when a SIM remains in Ready, Standby, or Suspended status for more than 1 year.
*6 - Soracom Air for Cellular eSIM Profiles cannot be transferred.

Soracom Air for Sigfox

Air for Sigfox fees apply as follows:

Global Japan

Contact us

¥1440/device *1
Service Fee ¥1440/device/year *1
Application Fee Refer to Beam, Funnel, Funk, and Harvest fees. Applies when total monthly usage per device exceeds $0.10 or ¥10 quota.

*1 - Registration Fee and first Service Fee waived for devices purchased from Soracom.

Soracom Air for LoRaWAN

Air for LoRaWAN fees apply as follows:

Global Japan
Gateways Dedicated ¥39,800/mo (1 gateway)
¥29,800/mo (2+ gateways)
Shared ¥9,980/mo
Devices Gateway in account Application fees count towards gateway application fee quota. Application fees exceeding this quota follow standard Beam, Funnel, Funk, and Harvest fees.
Gateway not in account Standard Beam, Funnel, Funk, and Harvest fees.

Soracom Arc

Arc fees apply as follows:

Free Tier The first Virtual SIM (Standalone or Subscription Container) in an account can be created at no additional cost.

In addition, the Basic Fee for one Virtual SIM is free each month, and includes up to 1 GB of total data usage (upload and download). Unused data is not carried over into subsequent months.

Global Japan
Initial Fee $0.50/Virtual SIM ¥50/Virtual SIM
Basic Fee *1 Standalone Virtual SIM $0.80/mo ¥80/mo
Subscription Container Virtual SIM $0.50/mo ¥50/mo
Data Usage *2 $0.20/GB ¥20/GB

*1 - Basic Fees apply while a Virtual SIM is Active. Once a Virtual SIM is Terminated, Basic Fees no longer apply.
*2 - Up to 1 GB of total data (upload and download) can be used per Virtual SIM per month, at no additional charge. Data Usage fees apply to each Virtual SIM that exceeds 1 GB of data usage within one month.

Data Handling

Soracom Beam

Beam fees apply to all devices within a group where Beam is enabled. Usage is calculated based on the number of requests made. Each of the following requests are counted separately:

Free Tier The first 100,000 Beam requests are free each month. Unused requests are not carried over into subsequent months.

Beam fees do not apply for Air for Cellular devices when the corresponding group is attached to a customer VPG.

Global Japan
Air for Cellular Devices $0.09/10,000 requests ¥9/10,000 requests
Air for Sigfox Devices $0.18/10,000 requests ¥18/10,000 requests
Air for LoRaWAN Devices

Soracom Flux

Flux fees apply per Soracom account when subscribed to a Flux plan. Each Flux plan includes a set amount of events and credits per month. Additional event and credit fees apply as follows:

Unused events or credits are not carried over into subsequent months.

Refer to the Flux documentation for more information on setting monthly event and credit limits, as well as for information on other limits that apply to each Flux plan.

Free Tier Flux can be used for free each month by subscribing to the Developer plan. Refer to the Flux documentation for more information on limits.

Global Japan
Plan Developer Standard Enterprise Developer Standard Enterprise
Service Fee No charge $500.00/mo

Contact us

No charge ¥50,000/mo

Contact us

Additional Events *1 $0.0010/event $0.0005/event ¥0.10/event ¥0.05/event
Additional Credits *2 $0.0004/credit $0.0003/credit ¥0.04/credit ¥0.03/credit

*1 - Additional events are charged for events that exceed the amount of events included in the Flux plan, up to the Flux plan event limit set. Once the event limit is reached, further events are discarded. Refer to the Flux documentation for more information on setting event limits.
*2 - Additional credits are charged for AI Action requests where the credits consumed by the request exceeds the amount of credits included in the Flux plan, up to the Flux plan credit limit set. Once the credit limit is reached, further requests are discarded. Refer to the Credit Consumption table below and the Flux documentation for more information on setting credit limits.

Credit Consumption

The following table provides the number of credits consumed per model request in Soracom Flux AI Actions:

Flux AI Action Model Credits consumed per request
Azure OpenAI GPT-4o 86 credits
Azure OpenAI GPT-4o mini Without image: 6 credits
With image: 150 credits
OpenAI GPT-4o *1
OpenAI GPT-4o mini *1
Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Nova Micro 2 credits
Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Nova Lite 3 credits
Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Nova Pro 30 credits
Amazon Bedrock - Anthropic Claude 3.5 Haiku 40 credits
Amazon Bedrock - Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku 10 credits
Amazon Bedrock - Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet 120 credits
Amazon Bedrock Anthropic Claude 3 Opus 600 credits
Google Gemini 1.5 Flash 4 credits
Google Gemini 1.5 Pro 45 credits

*1 - The OpenAI GPT-4o and OpenAI GPT-4o mini models allow you to use your own OpenAI API key and therefore do not consume Flux credits.

Soracom Funnel

Funnel fees apply to all devices within a group where Funnel is enabled. Usage is calculated based on the number of requests made. A complete device-to-Funnel, Funnel-to-cloud-service, and result-to-device transfer is counted as 1 request.

Free Tier The first 50,000 Funnel requests are free each month. Unused requests are not carried over into subsequent months.

Funnel fees do not apply for Air for Cellular devices when the corresponding group is attached to a customer VPG.

Global Japan
Air for Cellular Devices $0.18/10,000 requests ¥18/10,000 requests
Air for Sigfox Devices
Air for LoRaWAN Devices

Soracom Funk

Funk fees apply to all devices within a group where Funk is enabled. Usage is calculated based on the number of requests made. A complete device-to-Funk, Funk-to-cloud-function, and result-to-device transfer is counted as 1 request.

Free Tier The first 50,000 Funk requests are free each month. Unused requests are not carried over into subsequent months.

Funk fees do not apply for Air for Cellular devices when the corresponding group is attached to a customer VPG.

Global Japan
Air for Cellular Devices $0.18/10,000 requests ¥18/10,000 requests
Air for Sigfox Devices
Air for LoRaWAN Devices

Soracom Harvest Data

Harvest Data fees apply to all devices within a group where Harvest is enabled. Usage is calculated based on:

The following Harvest Data usage is counted towards the data export amount:

Free Tier The first 31 device-days (Service Fee below) are free each month. This can be used to test Harvest Data with 1 device for a full month, 2 devices for 15 days each, and so on, at no cost. In addition, the first 2,000 Harvest Data requests (Data Fees: Submit below) are free for each device each day. Additional requests will be billed at the data fee rate even if the device-days service fee is within the free tier.

Unused device-days, requests, or data export amounts are not carried over into subsequent months.

The Harvest Data free tier does not include the Extended Retention Option.

Global Japan
Service Fee Air for Cellular Devices $0.05/device/day ¥5/device/day
Air for Sigfox Devices
Air for LoRaWAN Devices
Data Fees Submit $0.04/1,000 requests ¥4/1,000 requests
Export *1 $5.00/GB ¥500/GB
Extended Retention Option *2 $9.80/mo ¥980/mo

*1 - Export fees are only charged if you have the Extended Retention Option enabled and export more than 3 GB per month. Past 3 GB per month, you will be charged $5.00 for each subsequent 1 GB of usage if you have the Extended Retention Option enabled. If you do not have the Extended Retention Option enabled, export fees are not charged even if you export more than 3 GB per month. Note that viewing graphical data also counts towards the fees.

*2 - The Extended Data Retention Option fee applies to the Soracom account, regardless of the number of devices using Harvest.

Soracom Harvest Files

Harvest Files fees apply to the total uploaded or downloaded data amount within one month for a group where Harvest Files are enabled.

Global Japan
Data Fees Upload *1 $2.00/GB ¥200/GB
Download $0.20/GB ¥20/GB

*1 - Uploaded data is retained for 2 years (731 days) and is available for download within that period. After the retention period, files are automatically deleted.

Soracom Orbit

Orbit fees apply to all SIMs within a group where Orbit is enabled. Usage is calculated based on:

Free Tier Orbit can be used with one SIM for free each month. In addition, the first 10,000 Orbit requests are free each month.

Unused requests are not carried over into subsequent months.

Global Japan
Service Fee $0.20/SIM/mo ¥20/SIM/mo
Usage Fee $0.40/10,000 requests ¥40/10,000 requests


Soracom Lagoon

Lagoon fees apply per Soracom account when subscribed to a Lagoon plan. Usage is calculated based on the subscribed plan and any additional license packs.

When changing Lagoon plans during a given month, the following conditions apply:

Free Tier Lagoon can be used for free each month by subscribing to the Free plan. Refer to the Lagoon documentation for more information on limits.

In addition, when subscribing or upgrading to the Lagoon Maker or Pro plan for the first time, the first two months (the month the subscription was added and the following month) are free.

Global Japan
Plans Free No charge No charge
Maker $9.80/mo ¥980/mo
Pro $49.80/mo ¥4980/mo
Additional License Packs User Pack *1 $19.80/mo ¥1980/mo
Dashboard Pack *1 $9.80/mo ¥980/mo

*1 - User and Dashboard license packs are only available for the Pro Plan.


Soracom Endorse

Endorse fees apply to all SIMs within a group where Endorse is enabled. Usage is calculated based on the number of days for each SIM where Endorse is enabled.

Free Tier The first 31 SIM-days are free each month. This can be used to test Endorse with 1 SIM for a full month, 2 SIMs for 15 days each, and so on, at no cost. Unused SIM-days are not carried over into subsequent months.

Global Japan
Token Service $0.05/SIM/day ¥5/SIM/day

Soracom Krypton

Krypton fees apply to all SIMs that perform provisioning one or more times per month. Usage is calculated based on the following usage:

Global Japan
First Month $1.80/SIM ¥180/SIM
Additional Months *1 $0.40/SIM/mo ¥40/SIM/mo

*1 - Fees only apply to SIMs that perform provisioning one or more times within a month.

Device Management

Soracom Inventory

Inventory fees apply as follows:

The following Inventory actions are counted as individual events:

Free Tier Up to $1.50 (Global coverage) or ¥150 (Japan coverage) of Inventory Registration and Management Service fees are free each month. This can be used to register and test Inventory for 1 device at no cost, or to cover the Management Service fees for 3 devices, within a given month.

In addition, the first 100,000 events for each device are free each month.

Unused free tier amounts or events are not carried over into subsequent months.

Global Japan
Registration $1.00/device ¥100/device
Management Service 1-999 devices $0.50/device/mo ¥50/device/mo
1,000-4,999 devices $0.45/device/mo ¥45/mo
5,000-9,999 devices $0.40/device/mo ¥40/mo
10,000+ devices

Contact us

Additional Events *1 $0.50/100,000 events ¥50/100,000 events

*1 - Fees only apply to devices that exceed the included 100,000 events quota within a month, and are incurred in 100,000 event increments.


Virtual Private Gateway

Type-C and Type-D VPGs have been deprecated in favor of Type-E, Type-F, Type-F2, and Type-G VPGs. If you require additional information for Type-C or Type-D VPGs, please contact Soracom Support.

Virtual Private Gateway fees apply as follows:

Global Japan
Type-C Type-E Type-F Type-F2 Type-G Type-C Type-E Type-F Type-F2 Type-G
Setup Fee $9.80 $1.98 $9.80 $9.80

Contact us

¥980 ¥198 ¥980 ¥980

Contact us

Active Fee*1*2*3 $0.50/hour $0.10/hour $0.50/hour $0.60/hour ¥50/hour ¥10/hour ¥50/hour ¥60/hour
Options Fixed Global IP Address $0.15/hour ¥15/hour

*1 When using VPG; Beam, Funnel, Funk, Custom DNS, and CHAP authentication do not incur extra charges.
*2 Type-C/F/G active fee includes the first VPC Peering Connection active fee.
*3 Type-F2 active fee includes the active fee for one of the following: the first Transit Gateway VPC Attachment, the first Transit Gateway Peering Connection, the first virtual interface, or the first VPN connection.

VPG Types and Service Compatibility
VPG Type-C VPG Type-E VPG Type-F VPG Type-F2 VPG Type-G
VPG Options Internet Gateway *1
Outbound Filter
Fixed Global IP
SIM-Based Routing
Soracom Applications *2
Soracom Canal Amazon VPC Peering
AWS Transit Gateway Connection
AWS Transit Gateway VPC Attachment
AWS Transit Gateway Peering Connection
Soracom Direct Virtual Interface
Soracom Door VPN Connection
Soracom Gate Device to Device Access
Remote Device Access *3
Soracom Junction
Soracom Peek

*1 - When creating a Type-C, Type-F, Type-F2, or Type-G VPG, the Internet Gateway can be disabled.
*2 - Soracom Applications refers to Soracom Beam, Funnel, and Funk. Application usage is limited by the VPG size, described below.
*3 - In VPG Type-F2, remote device access is available with Soracom Canal. Soracom Gate configuration is not required.

VPG Capacity
Subscriber Capacity
Type-E Up to 1,000
Type-C Up to 10,000
Type-F Up to 100,000
Type-F2 Up to 100,000
Type-G Over 100,000

Soracom Canal

Canal fees apply to each VPC Peering Connection, Transit Gateway Connection, Transit Gateway VPC Attachment, and Transit Gateway Peering Connection added to a VPG.

Global Japan
VPC Peering Connections Active Fee $0.10/peering connection/hour ¥10/peering connection/hour
Transit Gateway Connections Setup Fee $9.80/Transit Gateway connection ¥980/Transit Gateway connection
Configuration Change Fee*1 $9.80/Change ¥980/Change
Active Fee $0.20/Transit Gateway connection/hour ¥20/Transit Gateway connection/hour
Transit Gateway VPC Attachments Active Fee $0.20/Transit Gateway VPC Attachment/hour ¥20/Transit Gateway VPC Attachment/hour
Transit Gateway Peering Connections Active Fee $0.20/Transit Gateway Peering Connection/hour ¥20/Transit Gateway Peering Connection/hour

*1 After the initial connection setup, any subsequent changes to the connection configuration will incur a one-time fee per instance.

Soracom Direct

Direct fees apply to each virtual direct connect interface added to a VPG.

Global Japan
Setup Fee $9.80/virtual interface ¥980/virtual interface
Configuration Change Fee*1 $9.80/Change ¥980/Change
Direct Service First Virtual Interface $0.10/virtual interface/hour ¥10/virtual interface/hour
Additional Interfaces $0.10/virtual interface/hour ¥10/virtual interface/hour

*1 After the initial connection setup, any subsequent changes to the connection configuration will incur a one-time fee per instance.

Soracom Door

Door fees apply to each VPN connection added to a VPG.

Global Japan
Setup Fee $9.80/VPN connection ¥980/VPN connection
Configuration Change Fee*1 $9.80/Change ¥980/Change
Door Service First VPN Connection $0.10/VPN connection/hour ¥10/VPN connection/hour
Additional Connections $0.10/VPN connection/hour ¥10/VPN connection/hour

*1 After the initial connection setup, any subsequent changes to the connection configuration will incur a one-time fee per instance.

Soracom Gate

Gate does not incur any fees, however Gate functionality requires creating a VPG. Refer to Virtual Private Gateway fees.

The Public Gate option can be used instead of creating a VPG. However, please note that Public Gate is a shared gateway and proper measures should be taken to secure your devices. For additional information, refer to the Public Gate documentation.

Soracom Junction

Junction fees apply to each VPG where the Junction service is enabled. Usage is calculated based on the following:

Global Japan
Junction Service $0.15/hour ¥15/hour
Inspection Option $1.00/hour ¥100/hour

Soracom Napter

Napter fees apply to each SIM where one or more on-demand remote access connections are enabled per month.

Free Tier Napter can be used with one SIM for free each month. Napter free tier does not include Audit Log or Audit Log Export options.

While Napter service is provided as a flat fee, there are per-SIM limitations to the number of ports and active connections allowed. Please refer to the Napter documentation for more information.

Global Japan
Napter Service $3.00/SIM/month ¥300/SIM/month
Options Audit Log *1 $9.80/month ¥980/month
Audit Log Export*2 $5.00/GB ¥500/GB
Web Terminal No charge No charge

*1 - The Audit Log option fee applies once per month to the Soracom account, regardless of the number of devices using Napter. Logs are retained for 1 year (366 days).
*2 - Up to 3 GB of Audit Log data may be exported per month at no additional charge when the Audit Log option is enabled. Additional exported data is charged at the Audit Log Export fee.

Soracom Peek

Peek fees depend on the packet capture method used.

When using SIM-based packet capture, Peek fees apply as follows:

Free Tier The first SIM-based packet capture session is free each month, for up to 1 hour in duration. Data Capture fees apply if the packet capture duration exceeds 1 hour. Unused packet capture sessions are not carried over into subsequent months.

Global Japan
Service Fee $1.00/session ¥100/session
Data Fees Capture *1 $0.20/hour ¥20/hour
Export *2 $1.00/GB ¥100/GB

*1 - Data Capture Fees apply for each additional hour after the first hour of a SIM-based packet capture session. Total duration is rounded up to the next whole hour. For example, if a packet capture session lasts for 1.5 hours, the duration will be rounded up to 2 hours, and the total fee applied will be $1.20 ($1.00 for the session including the first hour, and $0.20 for the second hour).
*2 - Up to 5 GB of packet capture files can be exported per month, at no additional charge. The amount of data exported is calculated from the combined total of SIM-based packet capture files and VPG-based packet capture files that are exported.

When using VPG-based packet capture, Peek fees apply as follows:

Global Japan
Service Fee $5.00/VPG/day ¥500/VPG/day
Data Fees Capture *4 $1.00/GB ¥100/GB
Export *5 $1.00/GB ¥100/GB

*3 - Each day begins and ends at 00:00 UTC.
*4 - Up to 5 GB of packets can be captured per VPG, per day, at no additional charge.
*5 - Up to 5 GB of packet capture files can be exported per month, at no additional charge. The amount of data exported is calculated from the combined total of SIM-based packet capture files and VPG-based packet capture files that are exported.

Additional Services

Audit Logs

Audit Logs fees apply per Soracom account when subscribed to the Audit Logs Enterprise Option.

When subscribing to or unsubscribing from the Enterprise Option, the following conditions apply:

Free Tier An Audit Logs Standard Option is provided to all Soracom accounts for free. For more details on the difference between the Standard Option and Enterprise Option, refer to the Audit Logs documentation.

Global Japan
Service Fee Standard Option No charge No charge
Enterprise Option $98.00/mo ¥9800/mo