Managing Your Standard Plan Subscription

Soracom Flux offers three plans: Developer, Standard, and Enterprise.

Each plan has different quotas (limits) on the number of Flux apps you can create, event / credit usage bundles, notification limits, and other available features.

Subscription fees will be adjusted when you subscribe to or cancel a Standard plan.

Only the root user can change a Flux plan. SAM users do not have permission to perform this action.

Subscribe to the Standard Plan

When you subscribe to the Standard plan, the monthly Standard plan fee will be charged.

The monthly fee, as well as Flux event and credit bundles, take effect immediately for the current month. Canceling the Standard plan after subscribing will not result in a prorated refund.

  1. Login to the User Console as the root user and select the appropriate coverage type.

    If you are using Global coverage, ensure you have selected Global coverage before changing plans using the Coverage Type selector.

  2. From the Menu, expand Soracom Flux and select Flux Apps.

  3. Click Change plan in the Your Plan panel.

    Change plan button

  4. Click Select this plan for the Standard plan.

    Select this plan button

  5. Click Next.

  6. Set the Monthly quota of number of Flux events and Monthly quota of number of Flux credits values, then click Next.

    Input Quotas

    Note that if you exceed your Standard plan's quotas, you will be charged for the number of Flux events or credits that exceed the bundled amount.

  7. Read the information carefully and click Change Plan.

Cancel Your Standard Plan

When you cancel the Standard plan:

Cancellation Example

If you cancel your Standard plan on February 17, the following will apply:

Standard plans cannot be canceled if certain settings remain enabled. Before canceling, remove any settings that are only available in the Standard plan.

  • Remove excessive Flux apps. For a Standard plan cancellation, you can have no more than three apps.
  • Remove any timers (cron configurations).

How to Cancel

  1. Login to the User Console as the root user and select the appropriate coverage type.

    If you are using Global coverage, ensure that you have selected Global coverage before changing plans using the Coverage Type selector.

  2. From the Menu, expand Soracom Flux and select Flux Apps.

  3. Click Change plan in the Your Plan panel.

    Change Plan Button

  4. Click Select this plan for the Developer plan.

    Select Developer Plan

  5. Click Next.

  6. Set the Monthly quota of number of Flux events and Monthly quota of number of Flux credits values then click Next.

    Input Quotas

    Note that if you exceed your Developer plan's quotas, you will be charged for the number of Flux events or credits that exceed the bundled amount respectively.

  7. Click Confirm Change.

    Plans are applied from the following month.