Service Endpoints

Soracom Air for Cellular

When connecting to a cellular network using a Soracom IoT SIM card, your device should be configured with the following APN settings:

Item Global Japan
Plans plan01s plan01s - LDV plan-NA1
plan-US plan-US-max plan-US-NA
planP1 planX1 planX2 planX3 planX3-EU
plan-D plan-K plan-K2 plan-KM1 plan-DU
Username sora sora sora
Password sora sora sora
Authentication Type CHAP or PAP CHAP or PAP CHAP or PAP

4G/LTE and newer devices are often able to automatically retrieve the APN setting directly from the network. However, for 2G and 3G connections, the APN must be configured on the device in advance. In general, you should configure the APN setting whenever possible.

When a device uses a Soracom SIM to connect to a cellular network, Soracom will authenticate the device using credentials that are stored inside the SIM. In turn, the Username and Password settings can be treated as optional and omitted. However, these settings are provided in order to support devices that do not allow these settings to be omitted.

Ping Response Service

You can use the Ping Response Service to confirm that a device can reach the Soracom network. To do so, ping the endpoint:

Item Interface Global Japan
Ping Response Service Cellular or Arc or or

Soracom Beam

When sending data to Beam, your device should use the following endpoints:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
HTTP Cellular or Arc
Website Cellular or Arc
MQTT Cellular or Arc mqtt:// mqtt://
TCP → TCP/TCPS Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
TCP → HTTP/HTTPS Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP → HTTP/HTTPS Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
SMS → HTTP/HTTPS Cellular 901011
USSD → HTTP/HTTPS Cellular *901011*{data}#

Air for Sigfox and Air for LoRaWAN devices do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices with resources where observe is enabled will automatically send resource data, and do not require endpoint configuration.

Soracom Endorse

When requesting a token from Endorse, your Air for Cellular or Arc device should use the following endpoint:

Action Interface Global Japan
Request Token Cellular or Arc

Soracom Funnel

When sending data to Funnel, your device should use the following endpoints:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
TCP Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
HTTP Cellular or Arc
SMS Cellular 901021
USSD Cellular *901021*{data}#

Air for Sigfox and Air for LoRaWAN devices do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices with resources where observe is enabled will automatically send resource data, and do not require endpoint configuration.

Soracom Funk

When sending data to Funk, your device should use the following endpoints:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
TCP Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
HTTP Cellular or Arc
SMS Cellular 901041
USSD Cellular *901041*{data}#

Air for Sigfox and Air for LoRaWAN devices do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices with resources where observe is enabled will automatically send resource data, and do not require endpoint configuration.

Soracom Harvest Data

When sending data to Harvest, your device should use the following endpoints:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
HTTP Cellular or Arc
TCP Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
SMS Cellular 901031
USSD Cellular *901031*{value}#

Air for Sigfox and Air for LoRaWAN devices do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices with resources where observe is enabled will automatically send resource data, and do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices can also send arbitrary data by making HTTP POST requests on any interface to the Soracom API. See the Data Collection documentation for more information.

Soracom Harvest Files

When uploading files to Harvest, your device should use the following endpoint:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
HTTP Cellular or Arc

A file path and filename may be appended to the request URL in order to specify the location where the file should be saved within Harvest. For more information, refer to the Harvest: Uploading Files documentation.

Uploading files using other protocols, or using Air for Sigfox, Air for LoRaWAN, or Soracom Inventory devices, is not supported.

Soracom Inventory

When managing devices with Inventory, your device's LwM2M agent should connect to the following servers:

Server Interface Global Japan
Bootstrap Cellular or Arc coap:// coap://
Device Management Any coaps:// coaps://

Soracom Orbit

When sending data to Orbit, your device should use the following endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
TCP Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
HTTP Cellular or Arc or :8888 or :8888
SMS Cellular 901001
USSD Cellular *901001*{data}#

For TCP, UDP, and HTTP entry points, you can also use

Unified Endpoint

When sending data to Unified Endpoint, your device should use the following endpoints:

Air for Cellular and Arc device endpoints:

Entry Point Interface Global Japan
TCP Cellular or Arc tcp:// tcp://
UDP Cellular or Arc udp:// udp://
HTTP Cellular or Arc or :8888 or :8888
SMS Cellular 901001
USSD Cellular *901001*{data}#

For TCP, UDP, and HTTP entry points, you can also use

Air for Sigfox and Air for LoRaWAN devices do not require endpoint configuration.

Inventory devices with resources where observe is enabled will automatically send resource data, and do not require endpoint configuration.

Soracom APIs

When using the Soracom API, use the following endpoints:

Item Interface Global Japan
Soracom API Any or
Soracom Endorse API Any
Soracom Krypton API Cellular

Metadata Service

When using the Metadata Service, your device should use the following endpoint:

Item Interface Global Japan
Metadata Service Cellular or Arc

DNS Server

When a device using an IoT SIM establishes a session, the IPv4 address and DNS server provided by the Soracom platform are automatically configured. Devices can use this DNS server for name resolution.

Item Interface Global Japan
DNS Server Cellular or Arc or or

NTP Server

Soracom provides an internal NTP server to allow devices that may not have internet access to keep accurate time.

Item Interface Global Japan
NTP Server Cellular or Arc